Business Continuity Planning
  What would happen to your organization if an extended communications or power outage hit the data center? What if a large truck drove through the front door or a fire left the data center unfit for occupation? CyberWall Technologies, Inc. assists with business continuity planning in the following ways:
About CyberWall
Business Impact Assessment

   Business Impact Assessment
The BIA process identifies business processes and their importance to the company. Every BCP is dependent upon an accurate and current BIA. Some business processes are so important that just 12 hours of outage could cause significant financial loss and customer concern.

Business Continuity Plan Testing and Maintenance
CyberWall Technologies, Inc. helps clients test business continuity planning through plan reviews, table top tests, scenario based testing, and actual hot site testing. BCP requires refinement that begins and ends with testing.
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   13 october :: 2003
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   13 october :: 2003
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